Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Pretty sad that my last post was at the end of March I think. Thats what happens when life catches up with you I guess. So much for my portrait a day project. Although I did finish one last night. I wasnt happy with the results I was getting having to rush through them. I decided where I didnt have a guaranteed amount of time I would just do them when I can. Well I did some illustrations for a book thats soon to be published and It turns out I could have had more time to work on them which I would have preferred rather then rushing them but what can you do. Its done now. I applied to school but I waited too long to get my application in so I might not be able to go this term. What else? Busy busy. Have been meeting many new exciting artists lately on the internet and It really is very inspiring and humbling all at the same time. Really wish I could have more time and space to work on my art but I think that wll probably happen a little later in life. Like when I retire and need a strong prescription to see what Im actually doing. Teresa

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sorry to be so slow at writing lately. Life happened and I have a secret project I have to work on but as soon as its done i will continue on with the blog. I will be returning to the portraits asap so stay tuned for more detail.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a little bit of change

So I changed things around just a bit. I did have it so that I would be making 365 pieces of art for the year and I probably will still do that ...but...I got sick of making junk. I have enough junk in my house that I dont need to add to it. So I will be instead working on art for 365 days, putting in my time and some days I will make more and some days there will be less. One things for sure I want some kick ass pieces so I dont want to be rushing around saying things are done when they still need a few more hours or days to work on them. I am doing my portrait series at the moment but had to set them aside while finishing up the pictures for the book. Plus I was sick on and off and now I am back and the portraits will carry on into April. I am working on Heather Annes so far and I think it is going to be my favorite of the bunch. Ill change my mind when I start the one after hers. Looking to get some work together for a showing. I think I can get people to come to my show more for the baked goods then the art. We will see.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ilustrations for book.

I used an old picture for one of the illustrations and some I didnt use. Thee are the ones that are going to possibly be in the book.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th 2011

Well I took a couple of days off to attend to being sick and to finish off the illustrations for the book. Hoping they will be happy with them because I am not doing them over. Infact I think that is who is calling now so we will see. Maybe they will go with someone else instead. Going to carry on with the portraits now.Teresa

Friday, March 4, 2011

cousin Mike

Can you tell we are related? I love this picture, I find it really says alot about his character. This was done on Vellum paper with acrylic paint. It really is a challenge to get a painting done when you have a one year old who wants to be constantly picked up. I hope he gets a kick out of this. Teresa


Ill probably do another one of Leah in the end maybe a painting but for now this will have to do. This one was done with charcoal on Vellum paper. I used a black and white picture of her in what appeared to be a pirate suit.