So I changed things around just a bit. I did have it so that I would be making 365 pieces of art for the year and I probably will still do that ...but...I got sick of making junk. I have enough junk in my house that I dont need to add to it. So I will be instead working on art for 365 days, putting in my time and some days I will make more and some days there will be less. One things for sure I want some kick ass pieces so I dont want to be rushing around saying things are done when they still need a few more hours or days to work on them. I am doing my portrait series at the moment but had to set them aside while finishing up the pictures for the book. Plus I was sick on and off and now I am back and the portraits will carry on into April. I am working on Heather Annes so far and I think it is going to be my favorite of the bunch. Ill change my mind when I start the one after hers. Looking to get some work together for a showing. I think I can get people to come to my show more for the baked goods then the art. We will see.
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