Friday, December 31, 2010

Night Owl

Im trying to think of a good first assignment to give myself. Something not too complicated to ease myself into things. If anyone has any ideas feel free to share. If you like or dislike my work feel free to comment but keep in mind I am in a fragile state... ...but not really. I am looking forward to the next 365 pieces of art work to tackle and defeat. I think Its safe to say I wont be getting out much in the next year and that will probably be a good thing on my part. I have accumulated many art books over the years, some I had to part with but I kept hold of my favorites. I hope they will get some good use and maybe at the same time prepare me for all those Art History classes I have yet to take at NSCAD. So heres to a new year. Ive been told by my ten year old son that I am "supposed to" stay up later then the kids at night and that some parents stay up till midnight. This will be a change for him since alot of the time Im asleep by 9pm. So If all else fails I will learn to be a night owl. Goodbye 2010, I wont miss you at all. Well maybe a little.
Teresa Art


  1. :P don't forget 2010 brought you little Nick! your beautiful baby boy ;) I hope this new year only brings you the best
