Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Pretty sad that my last post was at the end of March I think. Thats what happens when life catches up with you I guess. So much for my portrait a day project. Although I did finish one last night. I wasnt happy with the results I was getting having to rush through them. I decided where I didnt have a guaranteed amount of time I would just do them when I can. Well I did some illustrations for a book thats soon to be published and It turns out I could have had more time to work on them which I would have preferred rather then rushing them but what can you do. Its done now. I applied to school but I waited too long to get my application in so I might not be able to go this term. What else? Busy busy. Have been meeting many new exciting artists lately on the internet and It really is very inspiring and humbling all at the same time. Really wish I could have more time and space to work on my art but I think that wll probably happen a little later in life. Like when I retire and need a strong prescription to see what Im actually doing. Teresa
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
a little bit of change
So I changed things around just a bit. I did have it so that I would be making 365 pieces of art for the year and I probably will still do that ...but...I got sick of making junk. I have enough junk in my house that I dont need to add to it. So I will be instead working on art for 365 days, putting in my time and some days I will make more and some days there will be less. One things for sure I want some kick ass pieces so I dont want to be rushing around saying things are done when they still need a few more hours or days to work on them. I am doing my portrait series at the moment but had to set them aside while finishing up the pictures for the book. Plus I was sick on and off and now I am back and the portraits will carry on into April. I am working on Heather Annes so far and I think it is going to be my favorite of the bunch. Ill change my mind when I start the one after hers. Looking to get some work together for a showing. I think I can get people to come to my show more for the baked goods then the art. We will see.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March 9th 2011
Well I took a couple of days off to attend to being sick and to finish off the illustrations for the book. Hoping they will be happy with them because I am not doing them over. Infact I think that is who is calling now so we will see. Maybe they will go with someone else instead. Going to carry on with the portraits now.Teresa
Friday, March 4, 2011
cousin Mike
Can you tell we are related? I love this picture, I find it really says alot about his character. This was done on Vellum paper with acrylic paint. It really is a challenge to get a painting done when you have a one year old who wants to be constantly picked up. I hope he gets a kick out of this. Teresa
Nicole C
I think I did a brief write up earlier about what I used for her portrait. A mixture of regular pencils, color pencils and water color pencils. I just used computer paper which Is not a good material when using any amount of liquid. I think I will be returning to this one in the end and redoing it in water color and water color paper. Ofcourse I might try the seaweed picture instead. Nicole knows what I mean.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Kriss and Leah
Just finished Leahs portrait tonight. I used charcoal on Vellum paper for my materials. Last night I did a portrait of Kriss with Acrylic. Im looking forward to posting these to see everyones reaction. Hope to get a lot of coments. I am so rusty but Im finding working on a different project a night a good way to force myself back into things. Anyone whose interested should know the photos will be up tomorrow night. Teresa
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Nicole and Julie
Working on the Portraits today and yesterday. Wishing I Had more time to spend on them then just a couple of hours that are constantly interrupted. I'm a little rusty but I enjoy making them and also its good practice to keep things moving. My sister still has my camera so i wont be posting any pictures till at least next Monday. So far Ive done Nichole Cs portrait and Julies. For Nicholes I used some pencil and water color pencil and also some regular color pencils. Should have probably used a grid to make it more exact. The paper it was done on was just regular computer paper. Not the kind you want to be adding water too. Theres somewhat of a resemblance there but I think once all the rest are done I might take another shot at this with some actual water color paper and paints. That is If I can ever find where I put the paper that seems to have disapeared. Julies is done on water color paper that was reused from another little painting that was never finished. My son attempted to draw on it and gave up and left the paper for me to throw away. I reused it instead with some black and white acrylic paint. I like the idea of it and it reminded me of some old NSCAD portraits we had to do of ourselves in school. Not the best work ever but not bad for the amount of time I have to work on it. Teresa
Sunday, February 27, 2011
March of faces
Sending off for the photos today. If you have agreed to have your portrait done than it will be done. Starting tomorrow I will be doing a portrait a day. I was going to do just drawings with pencil or charcoal but I think I will change things up a bit maybe do some in watercolor and some in other mediums. these are going to be my favorite projects of all and I think the most enjoyable. Teresa
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Feb 27th 2010
Im extending my illustrations by atlleast a couple of days. Not really sure if Im able to but Im going to have to because Im just not finished yet. Getting ready to start my series of portraits, that begins Monday March 1st I believe. Yep. Ok. So thats all for now. My sister borrowed my camera and Im not sure when It will return so no pictures this week. Boooo. Ill leave her home number for anyone who wants to call her and complain. Teresa
Friday, February 25, 2011
too tired
Having trouble getting the baby to sleep tonight, wants to play instead. He must think its the daytime. Gonna make a little cartoon and call it a night. The illustrations will have to wait. Hoping to do a couple tomorrow night. Too tired. This is not good.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My Pen
Well, I am still working on the illustrations and am hoping to speed things up soon. I was coming along pretty good and then I lost my pens. Cant remember where I put them. So now Im sketching in pencil and hoping to get my hands on some new ones soon. Not sure how tight this deadline is going to be but Im hoping to squeeze a couple of extra days in there. As for March its on its way and I havent forgotten about the Portrait project and Im pretty sure they are going to overlap at somepoint. Eeeekk
Friday, February 18, 2011
sick sick sick
I was sick the past few days, managed to get an illustration for the book done but was non productive the night before. What a horrible flu. It hit hard but was gone before you know it. Not much to say today. Going to be working on the illustrations form now till the end of Feb and then starting the portrait series for March. Cant wait it should be fun. Teresa
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines Cartoons.
Doing some cartoons for Valentines day tonight. Gonna be posting some pics either tom or Tuesday hopefully. Busy busy busy
Friday, February 11, 2011
carving soap
Dont have much to carve so Im carving soap. Getting a head start on it incase I actually get to go out tonight. Looks like the snow is going to keep coming.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Poetry book
I guess this is what its like to illustrate for someone else. Not knowing exactly what they want or visualize themselves or trying to keep in mind what they want to see but still keep the work true to yourself. Its not like when you illustrate a book and there is a story behind it with characters and descriptions. I am making illustrations for a poetry book and have no idea If what I am doing is actually going to be what the Poet would like to see in the end. It all seems very abstract to me.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Cheers to a wonderful blog
I started this blog in the beginning as a way to complain about my life and go on about how horrible everything had gone for me etc etc. The more I thought about it the more I realized i didn't have it that bad. The more I thought about it the more I realized I had it pretty good. I have two amazing children, a roof over my head and for now my health. You cant get much better then that. Oh yeah and I still manage to keep the creativity around now and then. I am so thankful that I turned this blog into a way of tracking my progress through art and something positive. Id hate to go to bed every night with thoughts of how I was almost run over at a crosswalk or how I got ripped off at the Dollar store. I'm sending positive energy out into the world and hoping that positive energy will come back and kick my ass into gear. Ive been working on some ideas for illustrations that I will be creating for a poetry book. I only have till the end of the month so time is of the essence. They also will have to be in black and white and only about 5x8 at the biggest. So that Is what I am doing for the next little while so if there is no word from me fear not I am in concentration mode ready to follow through task at hand.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Illustrations:the beginning
Ive started tonight on my practice illustrations. Just playing around with lines and shapes. Hoping something will float my boat and catch my eye. Ill probably be working on practice ones for a few days until I get the pens i want. I know I'm sounding a little obsessed about these pens but I really find they work beautifully. Maybe Ill change my mind in the end. As for the photos... I will be posting soon the pictures of the cartoons but I don't think I will be posting the illustration and practice illustrations until I'm completely finished. Take care.
Friday, February 4, 2011
So Its 10:30 at night and I just went to yoga and walked home so I am going to bed soon. I am going to do one more cartoon and then start the illustrations tomorrow. Im not being lazy I just want them to be good and I dont want to start them when I am feeling exhausted. No forget that, I want them to be great and I am not happy that I cant find the right pen to use. Maybe I will do some sketches the next couple of days and pick up my pen at the NSCAD store. I guarantee that they have them there in all the colours of the rainbow. I am giddy with excitment. Ofcourse I do have that gift certificate to Deseres....decissions decissions hmmm. Anyways I really like the cartoon I did last night and although I started these as a way to procrastinate from real work they have turned into something that could be something. I cant wait to post the pics soon. Take care and please feel free to coment or message me personally If you have anything to say about the work.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
More Cartoons
Tried to write last night but the internet wouldnt work. Ive been doing some cartoons alot lately and Im enjoying the feedback from them. I will be working on illustrations for a poetry book in February and then in March I will be doing Facebook faces . I still need 13 more volunteers to let me draw them. 11 more months to go. Im starting to get into the swing of things and pace myself so that I have more time at the end of the night. Ido look forward to hearing everyones reactions. Im sure I will be getting more response when I start the Portrait series. It should be interesting.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Not So Funny
Lately Ive been working on some cartoons. I am glad some are enjoying them and am getting some good feedback ont them. i will be working on the illustrations for the book soon and have a deadline by the end of February to get them done. For the month of March I have decided to do portraits of people on face book. I still need 13 more volunteers. Not sure yet what medium I will use yet but it should be interesting to hear everyones reactions to their picture. Stay tuned for more info.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Sunday, January 30, 2011
So the last few night Ive been working on cartoons which I really enjoy and also a few photo montages. Today is the day Im posting some pics so enjoy. I will be working on some illustrations for a poetry which I think Ive already mentioned. Yoday I made a birthday cake and I think that should count as my art project for today, I will post pics of it just incase.
Friday, January 28, 2011
More Cartoons
Just got home from a yoga class so I am going to work on some more cartoons tonight. I have a project I am working on for a book. I have to do about 10 illustrations. They are going to be in black and white and I am looking forward to it. Have you ever used those small tipped pilot pens. If you add water they make a nice wash. Im going to buy myself one of those next time Im out and use that and some nice smooth, heavy paper for my medium. Id love to start on them tonight but I only have an hour and cartoons are so fun to do. Cant wait to post the pictures this week. I think you'll get a good laugh. Pictures will be posted on Sunday.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
House Of Cards
Ive been making alot of cartoons lately. They are fun to do and not much thinking is involved, just the way I like it. I will make a little book out of them once I get enough together. Tonight I built a nice big card house. They were made from a pack my dad gave me. He literally took cards he found around the house that were lost cards. There was probably three different decks made into one. I tried having a game with my son Evan one night and we realized there were too many left over and that the backs were different.There was also about five aces in the deck. Who does that? It was quite bizzare and I almost threw them out but they were saved and used for this piece. Pictures posted soon.
Teresas Art
Teresas Art
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Wedding Hiccup
I'm doing another Photo Montage and I forgot how much I enjoyed these. This one is called Wedding Hiccup and I think It is quite funny. Anyone who is getting married may think otherwise. I don't seem to have glue so I am going to have to use a little flour and water and I don't think I have any of that either. Pictures wont be posted for a couple of days.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
I Like Stuff
When I was a kid I spent weeks cutting up the Sears Wish Book to make home made paper dolls. I think it was a project my sister got me started on in order for me to leave her alone once and awhile. It worked. Tonight I returned to my youth with a little photo montage. I call it "I like stuff. Its not the Wish Book but it did its job
Teresa Art
OK so the day is today and I will be posting some pics, but I have to say I'm a little embarrassed about them. Nothing great has come out of last weeks work. In fact its been half assed attempts to just do it an get it over with. That being said I am starting to get a collection of mental notes developing deep within my brain of future art projects I will carry out when I have or make more time. I still have many more to go and even If I just get one really good piece out of this then it is worth it. I have no art supplies with me tonight so I guess it will be something last minute. Im really looking forward to getting started on the wedding series, Ive had long enough to think things over and am eager to get things going.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tonight I finished a water colour I had already started some time around Xmas. Its one of three studies of my cousins wedding. Now Im not fond of weddings, I find them highly boring although mine was all good at the time and not to get too far off topic, I cant stand people staring so I probably wont go through that ever again. Their wedding was fantastic and during a hurricane. How much more fun can you get? Im going to do two more of the same picture and then do an acrylic painting of the umbrella pic. Then one of the other pic which is them standing by the water. This will all make more sense once the photos are up which should be on friday. Ill let them decide which one they want to keep for themselves in the end. Cant wait to sleep now, its terrible when somedays you are more excited to get back to sleep then you are to wake up. I did some of this in the dark, literally with no lights except from the computer screen, so I find the faces look a bit bizarre. I will be doing two more of the same and the necklace and bracelet will be included in the other pics.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Feeling like doing a little water color tonight. Last night I did one of a fish, tonight...who knows. Im hoping as the year progresses I can slowly divide my time up a little better. It would be good if I could start a little earlier in the day and work little bits here and there. I really dont know how people are able to get anything done. Im lucky If I can get the dishes done. Not able to find my battery charger for the camera, might have to go buy a new one all together. :(
Did an imprint of Nickys foot instead. That counts right?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
So I thought Id work on some origami for a couple of nights since I was again pressed for time. Big mistake. There is a reason I only got so far in that book. It doesnt help that I have no proper paper either. Im using salvaged red construction paper that I was going to throw out but instead was chosen to be apart of the great plan. Ask me to make a crane or a frog or a boat and no problem, but damn the Mother Hubbard and Penguin. Cant get the creases right. So once I get over these next couple of nights I will be starting some studies for paintings. Looking forward to that. Should be updating photos on Friday night.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tired of making "bad art" so bad it borders on the line of even calling it art. Spent the day organizing the storage closet which consisted of throwing away drawings that have been stored for over ten years. It seems that whatever the instructor had said at the time made no sense to me at all until I had set it aside and waited. Now when I see the drawings from that era, everything I was told both good and bad is suddenly remembered. All the constructive criticisms suddenly add up and make sense. I have less then an hour to do my project tonight. I am actually thinking about doing the art of meditation or aka the art of sleeping. Not in the mood to do anything let alone another poor atempt at a sub standard creation. Last night I did a quick drawing of my sister on some sort of found piece of cardboard. I really wonder how there are any moms out there who are able to do any art work at all. When I was in ceramics a girl from another class created these life size busts of figures and people. They were amazing. She had a kid and I dont know how she found the time to do it but she was definitley very gifted. Ok so Im going to dig out the old Origami book I bought when I was about twelve.I dont really have a choice otherwise. Not feeling like painting or drawing. Maybe i willl try some folds I never folded before. This book is one of my favorites. I bought it at a church yard sale and became quite good at making frogs, boats and cranes out of loose leaf rather then paying attention in math. Alright so I will post pics soon. Goodnight all three of you.
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Abstract Bird
Internet not really working. Here's a quick update. Last night I brought my old edger clippers back to life with a little paint and tonight I'm doing a little sewing. It doesn't make much sense without the pictures so I will go into detail more when I post them. I guess you could call them "usable art" and "wearable art".
Teresa Art
Teresa Art
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