Friday, January 21, 2011

I Like Stuff

When I was a kid I spent weeks cutting up the Sears Wish Book to make home made paper dolls. I think it was a project my sister got me started on in order for me to leave her alone once and awhile. It worked. Tonight I returned to my youth with a little photo montage. I call it "I like stuff. Its not the Wish Book but it did its job

Teresa Art

1 comment:

  1. I just spent the last 30 commenting on all your stuff and realized that I didn't even join so they all got erased!!! Duh Jaimie.

    But holy crap this is awsome. I almost peed myself when I giggled cause I enjoyed it so much. You need to do a couple of these with me and show me how you do it. I love the detail to it!
