Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tired of making "bad art" so bad it borders on the line of even calling it art. Spent the day organizing the storage closet which consisted of throwing away drawings that have been stored for over ten years. It seems that whatever the instructor had said at the time made no sense to me at all until I had set it aside and waited. Now when I see the drawings from that era, everything I was told both good and bad is suddenly remembered. All the constructive criticisms suddenly add up and make sense. I have less then an hour to do my project tonight. I am actually thinking about doing the art of meditation or aka the art of sleeping. Not in the mood to do anything let alone another poor atempt at a sub standard creation. Last night I did a quick drawing of my sister on some sort of found piece of cardboard. I really wonder how there are any moms out there who are able to do any art work at all. When I was in ceramics a girl from another class created these life size busts of figures and people. They were amazing. She had a kid and I dont know how she found the time to do it but she was definitley very gifted. Ok so Im going to dig out the old Origami book I bought when I was about twelve.I dont really have a choice otherwise. Not feeling like painting or drawing. Maybe i willl try some folds I never folded before. This book is one of my favorites. I bought it at a church yard sale and became quite good at making frogs, boats and cranes out of loose leaf rather then paying attention in math. Alright so I will post pics soon. Goodnight all three of you.
Teresa Art

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! Your blog writing is funny and entertaining, so in essence that is part of your art as well.
